Racing Info
General Information
There are two kinds of horse racing in Korea: thoroughbred flat races at the Seoul, Busan Race Park, and Korean native-pony flat races at the Jeju Race Park.
Races take place weekly on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, with some exceptions for national holidays. There are 12-16 races on a race day, with an interval of 25-60 minutes between them.
From mid-July to mid-August, when the temperature is very high, races take place at night to protect the horses from the heat and to provide a more comfortable environment for the racing fans.
The basic structure of Korean thoroughbred racing consists of a binary system of domestic and foreign-bred horses. Taking other conditions into account, such as prize money earnings and age, the races are further divided.
In 2004, KRA introduced its own grade system for thoroughbred racing. The Grade Races have been included and listed in PART ¥² of the International Cataloguing Standards Committee(ICSC)'s Blue Book since 2005. This year, there were 13 Grade Races(eight in Seoul, five in Busan).
To encourage competition, induce the active participation of good racehorses, and raise the quality of racehorses, KRA has been steadily increasing the prize money.